
Office Friendly Plants


Everyone here, spend most of their time at work/office. And so, it wouldn’t be wrong calling the office as our second home. With this understanding we want our workplace to be as comfortable as our own home. No surprises but with minimal decoration and least efforts, it can undoubtedly be made our second home where we would like to work.

Nothing more but plants are the best option to get that missing factor into our offices. Plants are apt for this because they add colour to the dull interiors of our offices. And of course, it has more than that one benefit. To know more about why plants are important, check my blog on benefits of plants 

There is such a huge variety of plants which ranges from big to small, low to high lighting requirements, less to adequate to heavy watering requirements. Trust me I can totally understand your dilemma, with so many options it often gets confusing. But don’t you worry I am here to rescue.

When we think about buying plants for work, we relate to buying plants which are absolutely, low in maintenance!

So, here is a list of 7 plants that are perfectly apt for office décor.


                                         PC: inspired room box

  • Money plant: This is a very easy-to-maintain and hard to kill. It is also known as Pothos or Devil´s ivy, said so because it thrives and flourishes even when kept in dark.

Light requirements: Grows in whole range of light, low to high, everything works fine.

Water: Once or twice in a week or when the soil gets dry.

Appearance: It has a very pleasing green effect. It does not have sturdy stems to hold itself erect on its own. The plant grows like a creeper and the growth is very fast. So, consider placing it on desk which will require occasional trimming. Or placing it in a pot with a support stick to tie around, on floor or in wide open area to let it flow in all directions. It looks stunning even in a hanging arrangement.


                                                PC: exotic flora

  • Spider plant: This beautiful indoor plant is perfect for the office decor as it´s a very low maintenance plant.

Light requirements: It thrives in extremely shady area, which means it requires very low light exposure. It can also withhold in high to medium light exposure without any problem.

Water check: Anywhere between 2-3 days.

Appearance: This is a small and a low height plant i am sure you do not want people looking into their files and knocking down your plant, so placing it on the window sill or on a desk/table would be appropriate. This can also be hanged, if you have that option.


                                                    PC: Real simple

  • Snake plant: This is the best buy for all those who are extremely lazy in taking care of the plant. No specific light requirements and less watering is all a lazy plant care taker can ask for! It is also popular for its nickname which comes for its look- mother-in-law´s tongue.

Light requirements: Low light/shaded area can easily make it thrive.
Again, high and moderate light will also work as it adapts to the environment.

Water: Likes it soil dry so can go long without watering. Once a week is a good time frame for it.

Appearance: They grow good to a moderate height, are quite robust and hard to damage, so can be considered placing it on floor.


                                                 PC: Bloom nation

  • Bamboo plant: Need some luck to
    impress your boss or maybe to get promoted, then you should totally buy this
    one. This is also known as Lucky Bamboo.

Funny fact: Although its known as a bamboo plant/lucky bamboo, but it doesn’t really belong to the bamboo family.

According to the Chinese belief, this plant is worshipped as the symbol of Luck. It also has some unique characteristics due to which, it does well in both water and soil.

Idea: Colleagues birthday coming up! Perfect gift to any gender of any age. They will surely appreciate it.

Light: Moderate light is good for its growth. Place it in a bright
location but not direct to sun. Keep it rotating once a while, for it to absorb light from all sides.

Water: If you are planting it in water, then change the water once in a week or two. Take a good size container to place the bamboo stick so that its roots are submerged in water.

If in soil, make sure to pick good drainable soil and aerated pot. Water just to keep the soil enough wet.


                                           PC: Garden Goods Direct

  • Peace lily: This is my personal favourite. Not only it is lush green and has fast growth, but its white blooms give an elegant and poise look to the plant. This plant fits perfect for offices of any sector.

Light requirements: Moderate light is required for its growth, as, in low light it will not bloom. Direct sunlight could be harsh so, avoid it.

Water: 1-2 times in a week is adequate. Likes
its soil moist.

Appearance: This plant grows very fast and can
grow up to a good height of approx. one meter. The size of leaves can be huge after its grown moderately. This looks perfect as a floor plant and can be kept in any corner of the office and I am 100% sure that it will flaunt its charm. This looks wonderful even at the reception desk of the offices giving the
office a rich and welcoming feel.


                                                  PC: Target

  • Cactus: This is a unique plant. Though it doesn´t have lush green leaves, but still cacti has its own charm. They require less attention and so easy to handle, making it a good pick for the offices.

Light requirements: Requires high level of sunlight to thrive, and so
recommended only for those offices that have good and bright flow of sunlight.

Water: Cactus loves its soil to be dry. Consider watering only if the
soil is dry.

Appearance: There is a wide variety of cactus. Depending on which the sizes differ, but mostly are between low to medium high. Can be placed on work desk or on the office floor.


                                              PC: Broadway Floral

  • Succulents: I find succulents super
    cute and exotic. I can easily relate these species to camel, I say this because
    as camels store water in their hump to go on for days in heavy sunny days.
    Succulents are the plants that have fleshy parts in order to retain water.

Light requirements: Require high light level,
direct sunlight is also a good resource for them.

Water: Should have good drain able soil, water only as the soil gets dry.

Appearance: They are very tiny. So, preferably can be placed on the window sill. There is a variety of succulents and they all look adorable. You can even opt for planting a succulent platter which will hold different kinds of exotic succulents in one pot.

Hope i have inspired you enough to make office as your second comfort zone! So, what are you waiting for? Choose you favourites and start planting them.

 Happy Planting!


Author: Kinnari

Welcome! I am Kinnari, a 20 something Engineer from Pune, India. Presently residing in Germany, which got me an opportunity to explore the world around me! Staying far from my family also got me a chance to step into the kitchen and put my apron on! Altogether a big opportunity to share my experiences with you!


Travel enthusiast, an epicure sharing Indian recipes, flowers and plant aficionado, fine artwork and creative indulgence and together a combined package for a good and a mindful living. The heart and voice behind Sananimam, sharing and seeking.

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