#1 Top 3 most beautiful and appealing Easter decor ideas | Easter Decor **DIYs and Projects for Easter:Kid friendly, Cheap, Easy, Less time consuming**

Easter is just around the corner and everyone is  busy planning and decorating for this beautiful occasion. Over the years you would have tried almost everything to make Easter´s more memorable and exciting for your family, kids and relatives; but what different should you do this year is always a brainstorming query.

Here, I put together a whole basket-full of fun activities and projects to enjoy with your family at Easter time. These ideas are put together to make your family work as a team on those easy creative projects and make the festival more and more joyful. Fun, family time and laughter, what more can you ask for, on Easters!


Get Set Go!

Lets start with getting our Easter Eggs ready for the occasion.

There are various ways to decorate your eggs, chose your favourite and get going. Remember you don´t need to be perfect, all you need to focus on, is having fun. 

These could be your best chance to connect with your kids and show them your artistic skills.

So, lets get our hands dirty!!!


Paint them!

Its time to get your painting apron on and start painting like picasso; paint eggs in patterns you desire.

These are few examples to get an idea.


Decorate the Eggs

Not good at painting minute details, then skip that and just paint them plain; add some decoration to make it stand out. Use your imagination to get best results; also consider using waste or old decoration lying at home. This could be a chance for kids to learn How to make Best out of Waste.

They look so adorable!!!  ain´t they??

Easter Garland

Make Easter Garlands!!

Most Simple and attractive decoration for this Easters. Cute little bunnies which can get every girl say awe!!!

So be prepared to hear  lot Awe´s around you, when you make those adorable garlands. 

Note: Bunny cutouts and further use of scissors should be made by adults or in their supervision.

Bunny garland

Easy bizy way to decorate home

Attractive Happy Easter Garland

Make use of easily accessible materials, if you do not have floral printed paper, then use plain white paper or paint them in different colors.
Cut them in egg shell shape in sizes you prefer. Cut the alphabet from a glitter paper or use a sparkler to write on the cuttings or use glue to make alphabets and then sprinkle glitter and simmer on it.

Bunnies are the Heroes of this occasion, so don´t shy away from cutting as many as you can.


To work faster on cutting the bunnies:                                                                                                                 

Fold the paper in multiple folds and draw over the bunny on one side. Start cutting it with a small scissor to get perfect edge curves and shapes.                                                                                                    

If using different papers, then stack them over, draw the figure and then cut it out. This will save a lot of your time rather then cutting one at a time. Use as many colors as possible, to get vibrant look. Also use pom-pom or stone stickers to give a admiring 3-D effect.

Note: Do not stack a lot of paper at once or do not make a lot of folds at a time, as it will make cutting the figure difficult and inaccurate.

Rustic or the Traditional Welcome Garlands

Welcome garlands have stayed as a trend over centuries. They are traditional and no occasion can be complete without them. May it be Christmas or Easters, hanging them on your main door should be one of the top thing in your decoration list. Apart from being welcoming they also add charm to your entrance.

Get your welcome garland ready!

Buy the wreath from the market, as it is easily available.

Decorate it, in a way you intend to. Use moss, creepers, leaves, paper eggs, artificial flowers, bows, ribbons, thermocol eggs etc. to make it look attractive. Do not forget to add Welcome note over it. Give it a personalised touch and i am sure everyone will feel most welcomed!


Those were tremendous efforts and great showcase of your in-born creativity. Keep it up and let the great work continue. But as i said before and will keep continue to say, Don´t forget to have fun! That´s more of the reason to do DIYs and Projects with your loved ones and family. 

Need more ideas on Easter decor, then check out:: #2 Easter decor ideas

Happy Easters! Happy Holidays!!               

Author: Kinnari

Welcome! I am Kinnari, a 20 something Engineer from Pune, India. Presently residing in Germany, which got me an opportunity to explore the world around me! Staying far from my family also got me a chance to step into the kitchen and put my apron on! Altogether a big opportunity to share my experiences with you!


Travel enthusiast, an epicure sharing Indian recipes, flowers and plant aficionado, fine artwork and creative indulgence and together a combined package for a good and a mindful living. The heart and voice behind Sananimam, sharing and seeking.

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